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Take part now: Survey

Dear citizens!

From Monday, 25.07.2022 you can take part in our online survey on Kitzingen’s Old Town!

We are conducting the survey in order to obtain as broad an opinion as possible as well as approaches to action from the population on the design of the old town. The focus is on the public space and the design of the streets and squares. In addition, you can use a digital map to locate your ideas and suggestions.

All citizens are cordially invited to participate – regardless of whether you are a retailer, resident or visitor to the Old Town.

After we have sifted through and evaluated your ideas and suggestions, we will inform you about the results here again in a few weeks.

We look forward to your ideas and suggestions! You will be making an important contribution to the future development of Kitzingen’s Old Town!

Click here to access the survey.


Stadt Kitzingen
Ansprechpartnerin                                                  Bianca Buck

Telefon: +49 9321/ 20 6101

DSK Deutsche Stadt- und Grundstücksentwicklungsgesellschaft
Ansprechpartner                                                    Peter Großmann

Telefon: +49 911/ 960468 12
